OUR services

Are combined into 3 groups:

95% of purchases of medical institutions in Russia goes through the system of public procurement. We provide actual data on past purchases and contracts, ongoing and planned purchases.

strategy development

Based on the market situation, taking into account the legislation and your request, we find a reliable destributor(s), help to develop an individual strategy, choose sales channels, define price policy, sales forecasts and perform risk assesment.


CONSULTING & paperwork

For successful sales in Russia you need to understand local laws. Misunderstanding by a supplier of the public procurement system leads to a wrong sales strategy and price policy. We help to understand local legislation and may provide legal advice and lawyers' support.





Information about market participants

  • Identifying the largest suppliers
  • Identifying the largest customers
  • Detailed information about the customer or supplier
  • All contracts of the supplier or the customer
€ 100


  • All purchases in one year
  • Dynamics of purchases
  • Dynamics of contracts
  • Percentage of price reduction
€ 100

Study of products on the market

  • All purchases in one year
  • Dynamics of purchases
  • Dynamics of contracts
  • Percentage of price reduction
€ 100



A simple review report for making a decision


  • Search by 10 keywords
  • All purchases for last 2 years
  • All purchases in any one region
  • Market capacity
  • Distribution of purchases by months
  • Number and sum of contracts per user
  • Determination of top 25 end-users
  • Determination of top 10 suppliers


Detailed report for planning 


  • All purchases for any period
  • All purchases in any number of regions
  • Market capacity
  • List of all end-users
  • List of all suppliers
  • Distribution purchases by regions
  • Dynamics of purchases by months/quarters/years
  • Forecast


Full access to the database. Recomendations 


  • Market research by your criteria
  • Full access to procurement database
  • Suggestions for marketing strategy



In order to make sales in Russia, you will either need to open a representative office here, or find a reliable partner. Depending on your products and market competition, you can conclude an exclusive contract with one company or have several distributors. Everything has its pros and cons. We help you determine how best to deal with your case and find candidates for the role of distributors and check their reliability.


When you are dealing with a company from another country, it can be difficult to verify the validity of the information it provides and to find out how reliable company is. We provide a wide range of independent information about both partners and competitors:

  • the size of the authorized capital;
  • names of owners;
  • list of clients;
  • market share;
  • licenses and certificates received;
  • the presence of subsidiaries in the structure;
  • links with other companies;
  • presence in the register of unscrupulous suppliers;
  • arbitration cases with a company.

Thus you get independent information about partners and competitors.


We will analyze the prices of competitors on the market. You will see what products are being sold, at what prices, how much the price reduction occurs in the auction. We will also consider what the distributor will spend on logistics and promotion. Based on the information received, you can select a price segment and develop a pricing policy.


There are several main sales channels for medical devices in Russia:

  • public procurement (b2g) - this is when deliveries are made directly to hospitals or health authorities by participating in tenders;
  • the dealer network (b2b) implies that your representative office or exclusive distributor will not directly participate in the auction, but sales will be made by local companies;
  • direct sales (b2c) to private health facilities or individuals.

Depending on your products, as well as your willingness to get involved in the promotion and control processes, we choose the most suitable sales channels.


Since the vast majority of sales of medical devices are made to state medical institutions, and their demand is approximately the same year after year, and they are legally required to publish their purchase plans, this makes it possible to build long-term sales plans.


Russia is a huge country. This makes it difficult and more expensive to deliver goods, spare parts, and service engineers. This is especially true for products that require temperature control during transportation. You should also make sure that you have trained engineers and a spare parts warehouse on site.

We help you determine:

  • how many distributors you need,
  • where best to locate warehouses,
  • сalculate the cost of delivery so that your prices are competitive,
  • whether it is worth having your own service or using hired local engineers.

CONSULTING & paperwork


All medical products sold on the territory of the Russian Federation must be registered by Minestry of Health. The process of obtaining a Registration Certificate is lengthy and expensive. We help to prepare documents, choose a registration operator, assist at all steps negotiations.

From €200.00/one device.


To sell products in Russia, you will need a large number of documents (contract, quality documents for products, instructions, MSDS, etc.), many of which must be in Russian. Our specialists will help you prepare and translate all the necessary documents.

From €25.00


For successful sales in Russia you need to understand the laws. In particular, in 44 and 223 federal laws, as well as a number of other orders and regulations. Misunderstanding by the supplier of the public procurement system leads to a wrong sales strategy and price policy. We help to understand local legislation and may provide legal advice and lawyers' support.

From €200.00/hr.


Even if you ship the goods on EXW terms, you will need to prepare documents for customs. Russian customs is known for its strictness and attention to documents. To ensure that the goods are not delayed at customs for a long time, you must carefully choose a distributor, customs broker and thoroughly prepare the documents. Our customs consultant is ready to provide you with proper advice on paperwork.

From €200.00/hr.

Thus, we provide a full range of services required
to launch or increase sales in Russia.

Contact Us

To get a full price-list and for any extra information please feel free to contact us.
We're ready to answer any of your questions.

Contact Info

Vladimirskiy pr. 10-6, Saint-Petersburg, 191025, Russia
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